Tuesday, April 26, 2011


On Friday night Shelby took the girls to see Gnomeo and Juliet. The girls were so excited to go because Rachel wants to "see every movie in the whole world!" And she wants to see them all at the "movie feater". Before they left she came up in quite a stylish outfit that was meant to make her look like a rock star. I did her hair in a high pony-tail to the side to match her rock star outfit. When they got home, she ran ahead of Shelby and Lilly through the door and down the stairs and gave me the following breathless account "Mom! That was not the movie I always wanted to see! And I got a huge ice cream cone! And I have to go to the bathroom!" and then she was off. I was not even able to get a word in.

We had the annual Easter egg hunt at Gigi's house on Saturday. Lilly gets her names mixed up at times, and confuses Gigi and Daidree. She refers to Gigi as her old dance teacher. She is thinking of 3 days last summer when Daidree taught a dance camp for the little kids. It must have made an impression. Every time she hears Gigi's name she says "hey, like my old dance teacher!" Anyway, the Easter egg hunt is the highlight of the year at our house. The kids just love it. Carson was not at all concerned about the quantity of eggs he got, rather he was concerned about the quality. He would focus on one egg in the distance, and walk on or over 3 eggs to get to that one. Lilly was happy regardless of the quantity and was ready to be done so she could see what she got. When all the eggs were found, Rachel wanted to continue looking, just in case. To her it was all about the hunt. We ended up taking a lot of candy home. Easter morning, they got a lot of candy from the Easter Bunny (much more than the Easter Bunny had intended). We were also "egged" Easter morning. Someone put plastic eggs filled with candy in our front yard. The result of these three events is candy-mania at our house. They got a better take at Easter than they did at Halloween!  All three children are obsessed. From the time the wake up in the morning until the time they go to bed at night all I hear is "Mom, can I have candy?" Or in Carson's case "Mom! Uhh?" And watch out if the answer is no. All hell breaks loose. I think we may be donating a big portion of the candy to CCS. 

Rachel insisted on wearing her princess dress underneath her Gi to karate yesterday, as well as a scarf around her head because "that's how ninjas do." She was so darn cute I couldn't say no.  That girl has some ideas about how things should be in her world.

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