Monday, February 21, 2011

Grandma Rayl

The girls have been playing house all morning. I have been assigned the guest role of "Grandma". I would probably take this in stride if it weren't for the fact that my 30th birthday is tomorrow. Thus it has been hard on my pride to play the role of Grandma to my children.

I took the kids for a walk on Friday. Both Rachel and Lilly insisted on wearing their flip flops from last Summer. Even though it was kind of cold I let them, mostly because it did seem much easier than tracking down socks. Over the last stretch of the walk, Rachel and Lilly raced home. I should explain that when we bought Lilly her flip flops for a dollar, I did not realize I had bought two left shoes. Also, one of her flip flops keeps falling apart. These two things put her at a disadvantage while running, and about 100 yards from home she bit the dust. She scraped up her nose and lips, but also got a nice little gash on her forehead, which bled pretty good. And we all know how well Lilly handles blood. I was woefully unprepared for this injury, as I had no band aids. What's more, I thought the little gash in her head might need a stitch or two. I hummed and hawed over this for some time and then decided to clean her up and bring her to CCS so Shelby and all other adults could give me their opinion. They were no help. Most were as undecided as I was. In the end, Shelby bought some super glue and glued it up. It looks good as new, and was much cheaper than a trip to the doctor. That resourcefulness is in Shelby's genes. He gets it from his grandmas on both sides!

Carson watched Glee with me last night. I so enjoyed him as a viewing companion. He mostly sat on my lap and let me cuddle him. But every time a song came on, he slipped out of my lap and onto the floor so he could dance along. He was hilarious! I hardly watched the show during these times because Carson's dancing was so entertaining. There must be something innate in kids that age that every time they hear music they want to dance. When Rachel was that age, we were just sure she had some crazy aptitude for music since she responded so passionately to it. Three kids later, it is clear to me that music is something we are all born to love.

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