Monday, February 14, 2011

Runaway Kitten

I took the kids for a walk the other day around the block. We were on our way home when a little black kitten came running out of the neighbor's yard and right up to us. All three of my kids were thrilled with the kitten and the whole way home tried to convince me to let them keep it. I explained that we already have two cats, and if we got another one dad would likely leave. Rachel's solution to this was to get rid of Jackie (her cat) and keep this one instead. I also explained that the kitten most likely belonged to another family that would be sad if we kept it. This did nothing to convince them since both Rachel and Lilly completely lacked empathy for said family. The kitten followed us all the way home, and I cruelly made it stay outside while I made the girls stay inside. It spent the afternoon mewing outside our sliding glass door. My kids spent the afternoon on the other side of the door doing their own begging. They worked me over good. I knew we couldn't keep the kitten but it was really cute. I also hated telling them no when they wanted it so bad. In the end I took it back to the house where I thought it belonged. Sure enough, that little kitten had two little children who would have been heart broken at losing it. Rachel especially seemed reassured by this information. Still the next day Rachel requested that we go on a walk, and pass the house with the kitten. I am sure this was in hopes of having the kitten follow us again.

Saturday was a beautiful, oddly warm day, and we all spent the afternoon outside doing yard work. While we were working Rachel asked me what would happen if you bought too much food. I was only half listening when I answered "some of the food would go bad." Rachel thought for a minute and asked "you mean like monsters and bad guys?"

Aunt Merry calls Lilly "Lilly-Pants". We call her "Lilly bug". Whenever someone asks Lilly her name she says "Lillian Katelyn (she pronounces Katin) Rayl Bug, and Merry calls me Lilly-Pants." Never mind most of these people do not have a clue who Merry is.

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