Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Emilia Update

Our little girl did great through the night. They tell us the first 12 hours are the most critical and once she has passed the 48 hour mark, she is pretty much out of the woods. Today they have taken out her catheter and one of her IVs. They think by tonight or tomorrow they can remove the breathing tube. Earlier today the nurse put a tube down her nose that goes right into her intestines, and they have begun feeding her that way a little bit at a time. These are all great improvements. She is also being given a solution of glucose and electrolytes, as well as some fats through her remaining IV. The fluid looks just like Mountain Dew. We joke that Emilia is already following in Shelby's footsteps!

Emilia is much more aware today, which is bittersweet. It is great that she is waking up, but she looks so uncomfortable. She cannot cry because of the breathing tube, but she can make all the same facial expressions she would if she were crying, it just comes out silently. This is heartbreaking for us, but again it all means she is healing.

I have felt surprisingly calm through this whole ordeal with our baby. Shelby and I were discussing why this is, and I think there are a multitude of reasons. For one, we have really felt everyone's prayers, and been comforted by them. I also think it is my personal blessing from Heavenly Father. The biggest reason is this. I felt inspired to have this baby, and I know she is an integral part of our family. She must come out of this OK because for whatever reason we need her.


  1. So glad to hear that she is doing well! She's a trooper. So glad to hear updates. Love you both and can't wait to meet little Emilia in person!

  2. How is it that I am just now finding your blog??! After all those times prodding you to get one so I could see your cute kids, you did it but didn't tell me!! :) Well, I am so relieved that your sweetie is doing better, although this is quite an ordeal. Glad that you are loved and supported and peaceful- that is a huge blessing! THinking of you and sending so much love! Anything at all, do not hesitate to let me know!!
