Monday, August 15, 2011

Recovery Room

We have now been in a recovery room since Saturday the 13th. Apparently Emilia was up a lot that night crying her heart out, just like a newborn likes to do. I take it as a sign that she is returning to her normal self. Mostly she has been happy and peaceful, unless the nurses are getting her vitals or she has a wet diaper. Emily is her daytime nurse, and she says it is the nurses fault she doesn't like having a wet diaper because they change them so frequently. She has gotten used to them being dry. As a peace offering Emily is sending all the size one diapers home with us!

Tomorrow the doctors will do a swallow study to determine if Emilia still has the ability to eat normally. If all goes well with that, and if her echo looks good, we will be able to go home Wednesday or Thursday. Yay!

Yesterday Eileen and Nathan visited (Shelby's Grandma and her boyfriend). They have offered to let me use a spare care of theirs while I am here. After walking here from the Ronald McDonald house this morning, I am looking forward to having a car to get around. They will bring it by later today. My cousin Jade also came to visit and was nice enough to drive me to her house for dinner last night, and then drive me back to the hospital. It was good to be around her and her family. She has two little girls, a three-year-old and a 10 month old, and both are adorable. I love being around kids when I cannot be with mine. I am once again blown away by the kindness of others during this whole ordeal.

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