Thursday, October 7, 2010

October 7th, 2010

Carson has a new fascination with being naked. I can't let him run around in just a diaper anymore because he immediately takes it off. Yesterday I made the mistake of putting him down for a nap in just his diaper. When I came to get him out of bed, the diaper was on the floor and he had pooped all over his bedding. I allow each of my kids ONE poopy bed mess as babies. I guess Carson used his.

Another fascination Carson has is with our cats, Cat and Jackie Cat (named by Rachel). Any time he sees one of the cats lying around, he grabs the cat food dish and dumps it out in front of them. I know he thinks he is just being helpful, but for me it is a real problem. I spend most of my day cleaning up cat food and poop. Tonight Rachel was trying to talk me into letting her stay up, and I thought I would use her pleas to my advantage. I told her she could stay up if she cleaned for me the whole time. She eagerly agreed. The first thing I had her do was vacuum up the latest cat food mess. Of course Lilly was not about to be left out of the fun so I told her she could stay up too if she promised to help Rachel. She helped her alright. As soon as Rachel vacuumed up one cat food mess, Lilly would sprinkle more around the living room, just so Rachel would never run out of things to vacuum. We go through a lot of cat food.

Speaking of Lilly, we have been getting her out of bed before our own bedtime to have her go potty one more time. She seemed a little over padded in the bum when we woke her up tonight. It turns out she was wearing 5 pairs of panties. I want to know what she was thinking about when she put them on.

Finally, Rachel was invited over by her primary friend, Sarah today. Sarah's mom called me and asked if Rachel wanted to come over. I told Sarah's mom that I would ask Rachel. I had no trouble convincing her. She was very excited to go play with Sarah, and when I dropped her off, she seemed just fine with the whole thing.  Later when I picked her up and asked her if she had fun she said "Yeah, but that was the wrong Sarah." I was a little puzzled at first, but Rachel explained that she thought she was going to aunt Sarah's house, "you know, Brock and Brady's mom". It turns out we know an awful lot of Sarahs.

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